Friday, October 16, 2009
JANUARY 20, 2009
Sometimes a people must defend themselves.
Sometimes the citizens of a republic, the workers of a State, the parents responsible
for children and elderly, the agencies charged with just enforcement of laws and
protection of a nation, and the young men and women who are called to the front
ranks of conflicts, the very Armed Forces of a State, must see that their Government
and its dominant institutions no longer represent their interests.
Such a time is now.
Sometimes a people must take control of their futures and create their own
destinies. Sometimes a people must create their own means of exchange, their own
lines of sustenance, and their own remedies and innovations. Sometimes a people
must declare themselves more vital and important than Corporations, whether the
Corporation be the British East India Company, Banks of Rothschild brothers, or JP
Morgan Chase and the American International Group (A.I.G.)
Sometimes a people must take charge of their money-supply and food-supply.
Such a time is now.
Sometimes a people must turn from unresponsive representation and unfair
taxation. Sometimes a people must act to protect themselves from gross the", un-
Constitutional and otherwise illegal repression, and threats to their livelihoods and
even their existence. Sometimes a people must fight to uphold or preserve the Rights
for which their ancestors battled. Sometimes a people must fight to save their children
from certain miseries.
Such a time is now.
Over the past five years and more, the Federal Government of the United States has
shown itself to be less concerned with its people's health and democratic wishes than
with the preservation of Corporations and institutions that are robbing the people of
this nation of both our present and our future.
Despite strong majorities that oppose these courses of the United States' Federal
Government, violations of the people's democratic will continue.
The occupation and war in Iraq proceed. Schools and roads and hospitals and
vehicles remain unimproved. Subsidies for cartels in the food (agriculture), drug
(pharmaceuticals), weapons-making (defense), and financial (Banks and other bettor/
debtor speculators) businesses have increased over the past five years to gigantic and
assuredly disastrous dimensions.
The country, in short, is being wrecked.
With increasing swiftness and savageness the economic and military capacities of
the United States are being gutted. As if by a coldly calculating plan, a plan that
intends nothing rational except the debilitation and disarmament of hundreds of
millions of people, our ability to resist tyranny under technology is reduced by gross
And nothing but a scant amount of surviving rhetoric in the incoming
Administration--headed by Barack Obama, the youngest and most articulate
President the United States has seen in almost 50 years, but filled with Cabinet
Secretaries and other executives from the Clinton, Reagan, and two Bush
Administrations--points to anything changing for the better in the broad strokes that
will be delivered by the Federal Government in 2009.
With the blessings and urgings of Barack Obama, Joseph Biden, Hillary Clinton
and John McCain in the U.S. Senate, the "bail-out bill" of $850 billion dollars for bad
debts of Banks and other bettor/debtor Corporations passed on October 3, 2008.
Amounts allocated through the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Treasury for the
bettor/debtor speculating institutions has since grown to an amount over ten times
more than the October 3 " 'bail-out' "--that is, the amount has grown to more than 8.5
trillion dollars--an amount more than half the total value of all goods produced in
this nation in the year 2007, without any review and check by the U.S. Congress,
much less a consultation with the more than 300 million citizens of this nation. More
than 2/3 of us, you may remember, opposed the original "bail-out bill" for more than
10 times less an amount.
We must therefore see, as we enter 2009, the harsh truth that we the people of the
United States are meant to be more made the unheard host of a parasite that's
devouring us.
This parasite of our life and wealth has two heads and bodies that are joined at the
hip and elsewhere. One head and body of this coupled parasite is named Government.
the other half of the coupled parasite we may call Corporations. Government/
Corporations; Corporations/Government--united, indivisible. Corporations through
Government feast on the United States and all the Western world. We've come to live
to feed them.
In a letter of November 21, 1864 President Abraham Lincoln wrote: 'I see in the
near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the
safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high
places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its
reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a
few hands and the republic is destroyed.'
In the year 2005 the United States' Federal Government spent $76 billion for
Education, $26.6 billion for Natural Resources and the Environment, and $69.1
billion on benefits for Armed Forces' veterans--a total of $181.7 billion. In this same
fiscal year of 2005 U.S. tax-payers contributed $927 billion to the Internal Revenue
Service. Of this $927 billion from tax-payers, $352 billion was paid toward interest
on United States' national debt, a debt that's accumulated over the 95 years since a
private cartel of Banks, slyly disguised at creation as the Federal Reserve System, took
control of the U. S. money-supply. That was in the year 1913, one year before
institution of the Internal Revenue Service.
The F.R.S.' lead Bank is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for every workingday
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York either expands or contracts the United
money-supply by buying or selling U.S. Treasury bills that the Federal Reserve
System has itself printed and loaned at interest to the United States' Government.
We may pause to be astounded at this obviously unreasonable relationship.
the great United States must borrow for its livelihood from a private cartel of
Banks!--a cartel that likely is controlled by older, ampler, money-lending institutions
based in the current European Union!
And so, as we survey prospects for 2009, we may further pause to understand steps of
the process that has for decades defrauded we the people of the United States of our
wealth, powers and possibilities. This robbery is at the root of our material
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve System and indeed
all commercial Banks of the Federal Reserve System accomplish their money-creation
through no more than accounting-entries--through no more labor than several keystrokes
on a computer--and at no more cost to themselves than 4 cents per Federal
Reserve Note, if such bills are even printed. The F.R.S. Banks are then permitted to
loan at interest the amounts of 'money' their accounting has created. They are further
permitted through 'fractional reserve lending' to gain and loan at further interest a
muultiple nine times more than the amounts their accounting has created!
Is it any wonder than commercial Banks occupy the biggest buildings in almost all
cities and towns of the Americas?
In 1997 two Banks, the then Citibank and the then Chase Manhattan Bank, held
between them 52.84% of the 19,752,655 shares of ownership for the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York--again, please remember that the F.R.B. of New York is a private,
money-making institution, though the whole F.R.S. is funded and insured and in fact
wholly sustained by tax-payers of the United States. Remember that in the fiscal year
2005 $352 billion from U.S. tax-payers went to the F.RS. as interest on the debt
that this private cartel has charged the United States Government over 95 years for the
privilege of funding it, the F.R.S., with our wealth, wealth in resources and labor that
should belong to this nation's people, so that these Banks can then lend to us amounts
more than nine times more than our Government has provided them!
In November 2008 Citigroup, the Corporation that was formed by Citibank's
merger with Traveler's Insurance in 2000, received from the Federal Reserve System
and the U.S. Treasury assurance that at least $304 billion would go to it among the
$8.6-trillion-and-mounting that's been given out to fundamentally bankrupt bettor/
debtor Corporations over the past two months.
Let us pause to contemplate this single fact for its meaning and enormity and
inequity. To one Bank, Citigroup, now is to go a bail-out of $304 billion, an amount
more than $122 billion more than all the U.S. Government spent in 2005 on
Education, Natural Resources and the Environment, and benefits for veterans of our
Armed Forces!
We can no longer abide such inequities.
We can no longer stand such thievery.
We can no longer sustain such a sapping of ourselves. As Congressperson Louis T.
McFadden of Pennsylvania, a banker himself, told his colleagues in 1934 about the
Federal Reserve System: 'There was no national emergency here when Franklin D.
Roosevelt took office excepting the bankruptcy of the Fed--a bankruptcy which has
been going on under cover for several years ... ' McFadden went ono to say: 'Under
cover, the predatory International Bankers have been stealthily transferring the
burden of the Fed debts to the people's treasury and to the people themselves. They
took the farms and the homes of the United States to pay for their thievery! ... '
McFadden concluded his 1934 speech by reasonably urging: 'Mr. Chairman, I am in
favor of compelling the Fed to pay their own debts. I see no reason why the general
public should be forced to pay the gambling debts of the International Bankers.'
We hear more echoes to our present. 1934 was one year among many in a
Depression that was itself primarily caused by the Federal Reserve System's
contraction of credit between 1929 and 1933. The Great Depression across the
United States and Britain ended, we may remember, only with the second World War.
We should also pause to remember that the United States entered World War II on
the wave of massive public outrage at Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. We should
especially remember in our post-9/11 era that the Japanese attack was foreknown and
actually made inevitable by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Secretaries in his
Administration who were also members of that companion in power to the Federal
Reserve System, the Council on Foreign Relations.
Now, with Council on Foreign Relations member Barack Obama everywhere
likened by mass-media to Franklin D. Roosevelt, we may justly suspect that another
such fraudulent attack, another use of false-flag terror such as on 9/11/01 in this
nation, 3/11/04 in Madrid, Spain, and 7/7/05 in London, England, will be used to
conceal true causes of economic catastrophe here, to further repress our rights, and to
launch us into even more disastrous conflicts.
And all of these further depredations of our rights and well-being are sure to come
under elitists' cover of 'the War on Terror', their 21st-ctury cover for their further
efforts to depopulate and enslave working-people.
We must turn from such a future.
We must protect our children from certain miseries.
We must defend ourselves and regain our rights.
Resistance is essential. Resistance is vital. Resistance is sane and healthy.
We must become our own government in the face of a Government that has
failed us. We must turn from a Government that's more imprisoning and robbing and
killing us, a Government whose head and body serves only its criminal partner:
multinational Corporations.
We must pursue positive alternatives and solutions from the local to international
levels. These alternatives and solutions are already present. They arise from the ground
up and reach across continents.
For one solution that's elemental: we can grow our own food.
Here's an illuminating precedent. In 1942, despite objections by the United States'
Department of Agriculture, Eleanor Roosevelt planted this nation's first Victory
Garden in 1942. The wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt used grounds of the White
House for her Garden. Three years later, by end of World War II, the number of
victory Gardens across the U.S. had grown to 20 million. 20 million! These
individual Gardens put out 40% of the country's produce in 1945! We can do the
same--and more--again!
In the United States now 69% of us buy and eat food that's designated as organic.
The Organic Consumers Association now has more than 850,000 members,
subscribers and volunteers nationwide. Since 1994 the number of Farmers' Markets in
the U. S. has grown by more than 200%.
We can use our already existing majority of consumers in the U.S. and our existing
networks to create a food-supply that's independent of supermarkets and genetically
altered seeds and crops.
Last October, I understand from a friend who's on the inside of Corporations,
Safeway, the nation's largest supermarket, was only three weeks' of progressive debts
away from shutting all its stores' doors due to insolvency. So: we would be foolish to
rely on Safeways. We don't need Safeways.
By March of 2008 one Corporation, Monsanto, provided the 'seed technology' for
90% of the world's genetically engineered crops. We would be foolish to rely on
Monsanto and like for our food. We don't need Monsanto and its like.
We can produce our own energy.
We don't need Warren Buffet and T. Boone Pickens for the wind to blow and for us
to use its power. Already the increases in wind power and solar power worldwide
parallel those for organic farmers and consumers. In February 2008 the global Wind
Energy Council confirmed that 'over 20,000 megawatts of wind power was installed
in 2007, led by the US, China and Spain, bringing world-wide installed capacity to
94,123 megawatts,' an increase of 31% compared with the 2006 market.
Recent increases in solar power around the world are even greater in terms of gain by-percentage. According to Worldwatch Institute in May 2008, 'Global production
of photovoltaic (PV) or solar cells--which convert the sun's light directly to
electricity--increased 51 perc in 20 2007, to 3,733 megawatts.' while the in the United
States' solar power was 48%, to 266 megawatts, an annual amount more than five
times less than the 1300 megawatts in Germany (where a 'feed-in tariff requires
utilities to pay customers a guaranteed rate for renewable power that they feed into
the grid'), while Spain's 2007 increase of more than 400 megawatts of installed solar
power represents growth of more than 400%.
Over the past five years, annual global production of photovoltaic cells has increased
nearly sevenfold, and cumulative installations have grown more than fivefold.
We need only to pool our resources so that we ourselves benefit from the
tremendous potentials of wind, water, and solar resources. How much potential
energy is there in waves that crash on the the beaches? How much is potential in
the radiant-energy for eight to nine months of the year in Houston and Phoenix and
Miami, or Costa Mesa and the Yucatan, or Mombassa and Hanoi and Durban?
All is possible if we control our own land. "Get land" should be one of our guiding
objectives. We can buy land, or take over land, and produce for ourselves. Get land
and let it produce for our local communities.
Check out your local Land Trust. Check out the requirements for homesteading in
your current or desired community. Get land and work it for your local communities'
We can create our own means of non-exploitative exchange of money and goods.
During the 1930s' Depression more than 1000 community-currencies arose across
the United States. Now more than 1900 such means of exchange serve around the
world--from Tokyo to Minneapolis to Ithaca and Austin.
We do not even need paper to create and maintain means of exchange--we need only
the Internet and the will to make our word our bond.
We do not need commercial Banks such as compromise the Federal Reserve System.
We need, rather, to eliminate such thieving middle-men from our economy. We need,
rather, cooperative Banks, owned by their depositors. We need as a national solution a
Bank of the United States that's free of usury and tricks. We need a national Bank that
issues funds from our Government strictly to meet people's needs. We do not need a
private cartel of Banks that depend on us to sustain their gambling--their "side-bets"
of "derivatives" which now amount to hundreds of trillions of dollars of liabilities--
and their executives' so-called " 'earnings' ".
We need, in fact, to take over this nation's largest commercial Banks: JP Morgan
Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley. Already the
tax-payers of the United States have been committed by our Government to
expending amounts on these Banks that far exceed these Banks' assets--more than $5
trillion-and-counting to these F.R.S. bettor/debtors alone.
We've already bought them, in short. Let us do with them as we choose. Let us
dispose of them as best suits a livable future for our children. Let us turn them into a network of cooperatively owned Banks that meet local and national and international needs without usurious interest and speculative gambling. Let us put them to work in helping us to produce from the riches of our land.
We already have tremendous resources. We have businesses and solutions that have
thrived outside the coupled parasite of ruling-for-a-few, hegemonic Government/
Corporations. The assets of co-operatives in the U. S. now exceed $1 trillion. In 2007
Co-op America's 1% in Community Campaign moved 'nearly $1 billion into low income
communities--creating jobs, affordable housing and locally owned businesses.'
We can win, in short. We can win freedom and prosperity for our futures. We have
only to throw off the parasitic institutions that have fed upon us. We have to
further nurture cooperative alternatives that are already thriving.
We have to 'Only connect', as E.M. Forster repeated in Howard's End, for our own
It's all a matter of our own will and energy. If we believe in each other, if we love one
another at least to the level of respect, and if we act on such beliefs we can change everything. America can yet be a dream fulfilled, a realization of freedom and prosperity that extends throughout the Western hemisphere, the vision of
harmonious liberation that was shared by Abraham Lincoln and Simon Bolivar,
Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Simone Weil, Marie e, Lauraaura
Nyro, Huey P. Long, Malcolm X, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, ... and hundreds unto
thousands of millions more.
We together can make happen the real changes that are needed in 2009.
The time is now.
__ __ __ __ ___ ____ _____ _________________ ___________
JANUARY 20, 2009
Sometimes a people must defend themselves.
Sometimes the citizens of a republic, the workers of a State, the parents responsible
for children and elderly, the agencies charged with just enforcement of laws and
protection of a nation, and the young men and women who are called to the front
ranks of conflicts, the very Armed Forces of a State, must see that their Government
and its dominant institutions no longer represent their interests.
Such a time is now.
Sometimes a people must take control of their futures and create their own
destinies. Sometimes a people must create their own means of exchange, their own
lines of sustenance, and their own remedies and innovations. Sometimes a people
must declare themselves more vital and important than Corporations, whether the
Corporation be the British East India Company, Banks of Rothschild brothers, or JP
Morgan Chase and the American International Group (A.I.G.)
Sometimes a people must take charge of their money-supply and food-supply.
Such a time is now.
Sometimes a people must turn from unresponsive representation and unfair
taxation. Sometimes a people must act to protect themselves from gross the", un-
Constitutional and otherwise illegal repression, and threats to their livelihoods and
even their existence. Sometimes a people must fight to uphold or preserve the Rights
for which their ancestors battled. Sometimes a people must fight to save their children
from certain miseries.
Such a time is now.
Over the past five years and more, the Federal Government of the United States has
shown itself to be less concerned with its people's health and democratic wishes than
with the preservation of Corporations and institutions that are robbing the people of
this nation of both our present and our future.
Despite strong majorities that oppose these courses of the United States' Federal
Government, violations of the people's democratic will continue.
The occupation and war in Iraq proceed. Schools and roads and hospitals and
vehicles remain unimproved. Subsidies for cartels in the food (agriculture), drug
(pharmaceuticals), weapons-making (defense), and financial (Banks and other bettor/
debtor speculators) businesses have increased over the past five years to gigantic and
assuredly disastrous dimensions.
The country, in short, is being wrecked.
With increasing swiftness and savageness the economic and military capacities of
the United States are being gutted. As if by a coldly calculating plan, a plan that
intends nothing rational except the debilitation and disarmament of hundreds of
millions of people, our ability to resist tyranny under technology is reduced by gross
And nothing but a scant amount of surviving rhetoric in the incoming
Administration--headed by Barack Obama, the youngest and most articulate
President the United States has seen in almost 50 years, but filled with Cabinet
Secretaries and other executives from the Clinton, Reagan, and two Bush
Administrations--points to anything changing for the better in the broad strokes that
will be delivered by the Federal Government in 2009.
With the blessings and urgings of Barack Obama, Joseph Biden, Hillary Clinton
and John McCain in the U.S. Senate, the "bail-out bill" of $850 billion dollars for bad
debts of Banks and other bettor/debtor Corporations passed on October 3, 2008.
Amounts allocated through the Federal Reserve System and the U.S. Treasury for the
bettor/debtor speculating institutions has since grown to an amount over ten times
more than the October 3 " 'bail-out' "--that is, the amount has grown to more than 8.5
trillion dollars--an amount more than half the total value of all goods produced in
this nation in the year 2007, without any review and check by the U.S. Congress,
much less a consultation with the more than 300 million citizens of this nation. More
than 2/3 of us, you may remember, opposed the original "bail-out bill" for more than
10 times less an amount.
We must therefore see, as we enter 2009, the harsh truth that we the people of the
United States are meant to be more made the unheard host of a parasite that's
devouring us.
This parasite of our life and wealth has two heads and bodies that are joined at the
hip and elsewhere. One head and body of this coupled parasite is named Government.
the other half of the coupled parasite we may call Corporations. Government/
Corporations; Corporations/Government--united, indivisible. Corporations through
Government feast on the United States and all the Western world. We've come to live
to feed them.
In a letter of November 21, 1864 President Abraham Lincoln wrote: 'I see in the
near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the
safety of my country. Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in high
places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its
reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in a
few hands and the republic is destroyed.'
In the year 2005 the United States' Federal Government spent $76 billion for
Education, $26.6 billion for Natural Resources and the Environment, and $69.1
billion on benefits for Armed Forces' veterans--a total of $181.7 billion. In this same
fiscal year of 2005 U.S. tax-payers contributed $927 billion to the Internal Revenue
Service. Of this $927 billion from tax-payers, $352 billion was paid toward interest
on United States' national debt, a debt that's accumulated over the 95 years since a
private cartel of Banks, slyly disguised at creation as the Federal Reserve System, took
control of the U. S. money-supply. That was in the year 1913, one year before
institution of the Internal Revenue Service.
The F.R.S.' lead Bank is the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, for every workingday
the Federal Reserve Bank of New York either expands or contracts the United
money-supply by buying or selling U.S. Treasury bills that the Federal Reserve
System has itself printed and loaned at interest to the United States' Government.
We may pause to be astounded at this obviously unreasonable relationship.
the great United States must borrow for its livelihood from a private cartel of
Banks!--a cartel that likely is controlled by older, ampler, money-lending institutions
based in the current European Union!
And so, as we survey prospects for 2009, we may further pause to understand steps of
the process that has for decades defrauded we the people of the United States of our
wealth, powers and possibilities. This robbery is at the root of our material
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Federal Reserve System and indeed
all commercial Banks of the Federal Reserve System accomplish their money-creation
through no more than accounting-entries--through no more labor than several keystrokes
on a computer--and at no more cost to themselves than 4 cents per Federal
Reserve Note, if such bills are even printed. The F.R.S. Banks are then permitted to
loan at interest the amounts of 'money' their accounting has created. They are further
permitted through 'fractional reserve lending' to gain and loan at further interest a
muultiple nine times more than the amounts their accounting has created!
Is it any wonder than commercial Banks occupy the biggest buildings in almost all
cities and towns of the Americas?
In 1997 two Banks, the then Citibank and the then Chase Manhattan Bank, held
between them 52.84% of the 19,752,655 shares of ownership for the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York--again, please remember that the F.R.B. of New York is a private,
money-making institution, though the whole F.R.S. is funded and insured and in fact
wholly sustained by tax-payers of the United States. Remember that in the fiscal year
2005 $352 billion from U.S. tax-payers went to the F.RS. as interest on the debt
that this private cartel has charged the United States Government over 95 years for the
privilege of funding it, the F.R.S., with our wealth, wealth in resources and labor that
should belong to this nation's people, so that these Banks can then lend to us amounts
more than nine times more than our Government has provided them!
In November 2008 Citigroup, the Corporation that was formed by Citibank's
merger with Traveler's Insurance in 2000, received from the Federal Reserve System
and the U.S. Treasury assurance that at least $304 billion would go to it among the
$8.6-trillion-and-mounting that's been given out to fundamentally bankrupt bettor/
debtor Corporations over the past two months.
Let us pause to contemplate this single fact for its meaning and enormity and
inequity. To one Bank, Citigroup, now is to go a bail-out of $304 billion, an amount
more than $122 billion more than all the U.S. Government spent in 2005 on
Education, Natural Resources and the Environment, and benefits for veterans of our
Armed Forces!
We can no longer abide such inequities.
We can no longer stand such thievery.
We can no longer sustain such a sapping of ourselves. As Congressperson Louis T.
McFadden of Pennsylvania, a banker himself, told his colleagues in 1934 about the
Federal Reserve System: 'There was no national emergency here when Franklin D.
Roosevelt took office excepting the bankruptcy of the Fed--a bankruptcy which has
been going on under cover for several years ... ' McFadden went ono to say: 'Under
cover, the predatory International Bankers have been stealthily transferring the
burden of the Fed debts to the people's treasury and to the people themselves. They
took the farms and the homes of the United States to pay for their thievery! ... '
McFadden concluded his 1934 speech by reasonably urging: 'Mr. Chairman, I am in
favor of compelling the Fed to pay their own debts. I see no reason why the general
public should be forced to pay the gambling debts of the International Bankers.'
We hear more echoes to our present. 1934 was one year among many in a
Depression that was itself primarily caused by the Federal Reserve System's
contraction of credit between 1929 and 1933. The Great Depression across the
United States and Britain ended, we may remember, only with the second World War.
We should also pause to remember that the United States entered World War II on
the wave of massive public outrage at Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor. We should
especially remember in our post-9/11 era that the Japanese attack was foreknown and
actually made inevitable by Franklin D. Roosevelt and Secretaries in his
Administration who were also members of that companion in power to the Federal
Reserve System, the Council on Foreign Relations.
Now, with Council on Foreign Relations member Barack Obama everywhere
likened by mass-media to Franklin D. Roosevelt, we may justly suspect that another
such fraudulent attack, another use of false-flag terror such as on 9/11/01 in this
nation, 3/11/04 in Madrid, Spain, and 7/7/05 in London, England, will be used to
conceal true causes of economic catastrophe here, to further repress our rights, and to
launch us into even more disastrous conflicts.
And all of these further depredations of our rights and well-being are sure to come
under elitists' cover of 'the War on Terror', their 21st-ctury cover for their further
efforts to depopulate and enslave working-people.
We must turn from such a future.
We must protect our children from certain miseries.
We must defend ourselves and regain our rights.
Resistance is essential. Resistance is vital. Resistance is sane and healthy.
We must become our own government in the face of a Government that has
failed us. We must turn from a Government that's more imprisoning and robbing and
killing us, a Government whose head and body serves only its criminal partner:
multinational Corporations.
We must pursue positive alternatives and solutions from the local to international
levels. These alternatives and solutions are already present. They arise from the ground
up and reach across continents.
For one solution that's elemental: we can grow our own food.
Here's an illuminating precedent. In 1942, despite objections by the United States'
Department of Agriculture, Eleanor Roosevelt planted this nation's first Victory
Garden in 1942. The wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt used grounds of the White
House for her Garden. Three years later, by end of World War II, the number of
victory Gardens across the U.S. had grown to 20 million. 20 million! These
individual Gardens put out 40% of the country's produce in 1945! We can do the
same--and more--again!
In the United States now 69% of us buy and eat food that's designated as organic.
The Organic Consumers Association now has more than 850,000 members,
subscribers and volunteers nationwide. Since 1994 the number of Farmers' Markets in
the U. S. has grown by more than 200%.
We can use our already existing majority of consumers in the U.S. and our existing
networks to create a food-supply that's independent of supermarkets and genetically
altered seeds and crops.
Last October, I understand from a friend who's on the inside of Corporations,
Safeway, the nation's largest supermarket, was only three weeks' of progressive debts
away from shutting all its stores' doors due to insolvency. So: we would be foolish to
rely on Safeways. We don't need Safeways.
By March of 2008 one Corporation, Monsanto, provided the 'seed technology' for
90% of the world's genetically engineered crops. We would be foolish to rely on
Monsanto and like for our food. We don't need Monsanto and its like.
We can produce our own energy.
We don't need Warren Buffet and T. Boone Pickens for the wind to blow and for us
to use its power. Already the increases in wind power and solar power worldwide
parallel those for organic farmers and consumers. In February 2008 the global Wind
Energy Council confirmed that 'over 20,000 megawatts of wind power was installed
in 2007, led by the US, China and Spain, bringing world-wide installed capacity to
94,123 megawatts,' an increase of 31% compared with the 2006 market.
Recent increases in solar power around the world are even greater in terms of gain by-percentage. According to Worldwatch Institute in May 2008, 'Global production
of photovoltaic (PV) or solar cells--which convert the sun's light directly to
electricity--increased 51 perc in 20 2007, to 3,733 megawatts.' while the in the United
States' solar power was 48%, to 266 megawatts, an annual amount more than five
times less than the 1300 megawatts in Germany (where a 'feed-in tariff requires
utilities to pay customers a guaranteed rate for renewable power that they feed into
the grid'), while Spain's 2007 increase of more than 400 megawatts of installed solar
power represents growth of more than 400%.
Over the past five years, annual global production of photovoltaic cells has increased
nearly sevenfold, and cumulative installations have grown more than fivefold.
We need only to pool our resources so that we ourselves benefit from the
tremendous potentials of wind, water, and solar resources. How much potential
energy is there in waves that crash on the the beaches? How much is potential in
the radiant-energy for eight to nine months of the year in Houston and Phoenix and
Miami, or Costa Mesa and the Yucatan, or Mombassa and Hanoi and Durban?
All is possible if we control our own land. "Get land" should be one of our guiding
objectives. We can buy land, or take over land, and produce for ourselves. Get land
and let it produce for our local communities.
Check out your local Land Trust. Check out the requirements for homesteading in
your current or desired community. Get land and work it for your local communities'
We can create our own means of non-exploitative exchange of money and goods.
During the 1930s' Depression more than 1000 community-currencies arose across
the United States. Now more than 1900 such means of exchange serve around the
world--from Tokyo to Minneapolis to Ithaca and Austin.
We do not even need paper to create and maintain means of exchange--we need only
the Internet and the will to make our word our bond.
We do not need commercial Banks such as compromise the Federal Reserve System.
We need, rather, to eliminate such thieving middle-men from our economy. We need,
rather, cooperative Banks, owned by their depositors. We need as a national solution a
Bank of the United States that's free of usury and tricks. We need a national Bank that
issues funds from our Government strictly to meet people's needs. We do not need a
private cartel of Banks that depend on us to sustain their gambling--their "side-bets"
of "derivatives" which now amount to hundreds of trillions of dollars of liabilities--
and their executives' so-called " 'earnings' ".
We need, in fact, to take over this nation's largest commercial Banks: JP Morgan
Chase, Citibank, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley. Already the
tax-payers of the United States have been committed by our Government to
expending amounts on these Banks that far exceed these Banks' assets--more than $5
trillion-and-counting to these F.R.S. bettor/debtors alone.
We've already bought them, in short. Let us do with them as we choose. Let us
dispose of them as best suits a livable future for our children. Let us turn them into a network of cooperatively owned Banks that meet local and national and international needs without usurious interest and speculative gambling. Let us put them to work in helping us to produce from the riches of our land.
We already have tremendous resources. We have businesses and solutions that have
thrived outside the coupled parasite of ruling-for-a-few, hegemonic Government/
Corporations. The assets of co-operatives in the U. S. now exceed $1 trillion. In 2007
Co-op America's 1% in Community Campaign moved 'nearly $1 billion into low income
communities--creating jobs, affordable housing and locally owned businesses.'
We can win, in short. We can win freedom and prosperity for our futures. We have
only to throw off the parasitic institutions that have fed upon us. We have to
further nurture cooperative alternatives that are already thriving.
We have to 'Only connect', as E.M. Forster repeated in Howard's End, for our own
It's all a matter of our own will and energy. If we believe in each other, if we love one
another at least to the level of respect, and if we act on such beliefs we can change everything. America can yet be a dream fulfilled, a realization of freedom and prosperity that extends throughout the Western hemisphere, the vision of
harmonious liberation that was shared by Abraham Lincoln and Simon Bolivar,
Mohandas Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Simone Weil, Marie e, Lauraaura
Nyro, Huey P. Long, Malcolm X, Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, ... and hundreds unto
thousands of millions more.
We together can make happen the real changes that are needed in 2009.
The time is now.
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